Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 5 & 6

Day 5
I took the day off. It was a bad day. So i enjoyed a nice trimmed filet that I got on sale at the grocery store. It was FABULOUS!! And of course a glass of wine. I just couldn't help myself.
Day 6
I did much better. I took an hour long walk around the neighborhood with my son in the stroller. Then I didn't do my 30 day shred but I did a 20 minute Windsor Pilates workout.
But today being the 7th day, I'm about to get my sneakers on and work out with Jillian right now.
Toodles my workout buddies. Keep it up. I know I've got a long way to go. I know the scale isn't the end all, be all but it wasn't very nice to me this morning. It hasn't moved a milimeter.

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