Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day.. I don't know what day it is.

It's been a rough few days. I've only worked out a few times due to me training my son to go to sleep by himself for his naps and bedtime. I just did some 30 day shred level 2 now that he's finally down for his nap. I feel so overwhelmed. This weigh just doesn't want to move. I know I shouldn't expect a lot but since I've had my son, the weight doesn't fall off like it used to like a few years ago. Today was a rough day, I actually started crying during my workout because I can feel the fat flap against myself. I really hate feeling like this. I know there are plenty of people worse off than I am so I shouldn't complain.. but it's my blog so I will.. I wish for my old body. 20 pounds is SO far away especially since I stopped breastfeeding my son, my weight just halted.. and it's been frozen for a few months now. I hate that I love bad food SO much. It just tastes so good. I'm getting a hair cut tonight and hopefully dyeing my hair as well.. hopefully that will make me feel better.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 12 and 13

Day 12 I got in my pilates but didn't feel that great of a burn
Day 13. 1/2 a pound less on the scale and I amped up my 30 day shred by moving up to Level 2. Wow! Tiring! I'm also going to start keeping my calories a day around 1500. That should help. I hope :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 8,9,10 & 11

Day 8 Day off
Day 9 & 10 30 day shred
Day 11.. nada. My son is having a rough time sleeping though the night and it's REALLY tiring me out.. But my eating is getting a little better. Trying to cut back little calories that add up. Little sugar here, extra piece of toast. Hopefully that'll help a little.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 7

30 Day Shred AND Windsor Pilates. Thank you Jake for taking a nice long nap :)

Day 7

Well Day 6 I did get my Jillian 30 day shred on, and I got a good sweat out of it.
And this morning I got on the scale and it moved. 1pound. 158. We'll see how long it lasts, unfortunatly I've always been a flucuater. I'll check back and note what workouts I got in. I'm going to try and get in a good walk because the weather is supposed to be very warm here considering it's January

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 5 & 6

Day 5
I took the day off. It was a bad day. So i enjoyed a nice trimmed filet that I got on sale at the grocery store. It was FABULOUS!! And of course a glass of wine. I just couldn't help myself.
Day 6
I did much better. I took an hour long walk around the neighborhood with my son in the stroller. Then I didn't do my 30 day shred but I did a 20 minute Windsor Pilates workout.
But today being the 7th day, I'm about to get my sneakers on and work out with Jillian right now.
Toodles my workout buddies. Keep it up. I know I've got a long way to go. I know the scale isn't the end all, be all but it wasn't very nice to me this morning. It hasn't moved a milimeter.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 3 & 4

Ok so both days I was able to get in my 20minute 30 day shred workouts in. Still Level 1 but that's okay. I'm assuming I do it everyday because I need to lose this weight. No movement on the scale though.. wishful thinking. It doesn't move as fast as it used to. At few years ago I could cut a couple things back out my diet for 1 day and there would go a couple pounds. That's okay. Plenty has changed in my life, especially my body, but I wouldn't change a thing because my life with my son and my husband are a million times better than things were back then. :) <3

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 2

I was able to get in a 30 day shred workout today. Still in Level 1 but I feel I might move up to Level 2 in a couple days. My legs felt heavy but I just kept going. I shared lunch with my son today and it made me so much less. I ate slowly and I filled up on only half of a turkey sandwich. Thank goodness, because there's a sliver of apple pie in the fridge that's calling my name ;). Goodnight.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 1

Not too bad of a day. It's hard though at the grocery store.. especially at the register. I did get a small candy bar but other than that I was good with my eating the rest of the day. I was able to get in Level 1 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred workout while Jake took his nap. Now I'm off to relax for the evening. Ahh..

Before Pictures

Ok so here we go.. My before pictures. As you can see my christmas tree is still up behind me :). Not "horrible" but definatly! not where I want to be physically. So here I begin on my journey to health.

Need to get Healthy!!

Here I am, like everyone else trying to healthy for the new year. I have an 11 month old and I pretty much have all my baby weight off.. BUT I still had about 20 lbs extra from before I even got pregnant.. Only about 5 years ago, I was fit and tiny. Of course I even complained then of being to fat.. but I guess it's a woman thing. I lived in Hawaii then and was wearing shorts all the time and lived a healthy lifestyle outdoors in the warm weather. After moving back to the east coast, I packed on the pounds. At 21, I weighed 135 and felt healthy and trim and energetic. Now at 25, I weigh 159 and feel lathargic. I'm also a stay at home mom for right now, so I'm not moving around at my job like I used to be. When I was pregnant I gained 55 POUNDS!! Yuck! Topping the scale before I gave birth at 210. I've been between 157 and 162 for about 2 months now and can't seem to get past this point. I need to take some drastic measures and I will blog about my journey. Not only do I want to physically healthier for myself but also for my family, especially my son. My weight has made me too emotional and I'm tired of it. I want to feel more energetic and more young like I should. It's affected me in so many ways and I hate not feeling sexy. I try, but when you look down at the lumpiness.. I think "ugh, how can anyone think that is sexy?" Luckily I have an INCREDIBLE husband who is so sweet and silly all rolled into one and does everything he can to make me feel better about myself.
So here are a couple of plans of mine. First one, is getting a little more strict when it comes my weightwatchers points. I signed up for a little while, but I don't feel like paying on a monthly basis, but I have idea of what I eat and the points they count for. Second is my husband and I got a Wii and I got a balance board so I am going to use that with the Wii Fit and maybe get the EA Active Sports game as well. Thirdly is I've been trying out Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout video and it's a nice 20 minute alternative to spending 45 minutes at the gym. I don't have a ton of time with a 11 month old "trying" to run around.